This category holds items that have no functional purpose, they are meant as decorative items only.

This hollow form is made from Leylandii, a wood that is not very popular with turners for good reason: it does not want to cut cleanly and needs a lot of sanding. In this case, the shape was deliberately chosen to reveal the inside of the holl [...]

This would make an ideal jewellery box. It's made from yew, showing off the beautiful contrast between sapwood and heartwood. The box is suspended in a carrier of dark exotice hardwood, which itself is embedded in another carrier of sycamore, [...]

This is another piece of my "Balance" series. Quite soon after making "Second balance" I developed a few ideas along similar lines, and this is one of them. The idea initially was simply to provide a balanced piece juxtaposing a flat dish wit [...]

Quite a while ago I turned a piece of laburnum into a simple cylinder and then put it away for drying. Some time later, I picked up another piece of laburnum and turned it into a shape that looks like a tall vase, but with a tip instead of a f [...]

Serve your sweets on a tazza like this, and most people will not even look at the sugary bits. All they want to do is hold the tazza and ask you where you got it from. A truly one-off show piece for your cream tea table or after dinner. Classi [...]

This candle holder was made for a competition, and it won first prize. The main body is made from monkeypuzzle, with a piece of spalted sycamore on the top to hold the candle cup. Within the hollowed twist is the "flame within", and insert mad [...]

This is one of my favourite pieces to date. Inspired by shapes seen on Cindy Drozda's website, and definitely an eye-catching piece in any collection. The center piece is essentially a box, with a lid on top, and it's hollowed out as far as my [...]